Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Winnipeg Vintage Reviewed: The Foundre

The Foundre 1326 Portage Ave

Inside The Foundre

***1/2 out of 5

The Foundre is a tiny little store front on Portage Avenue just east of Polo Park. If you blink, you'll miss it. The inside of this little shop is packed to the ceiling with vintage and antique treasures of all kinds. Foundre is not just a clothing store, it also carries vintage and antique housewares, tchotchkes, textiles and sometimes furniture. 

I happened upon this funny little shop driving home one of the performers who I worked with earlier this year. Upon entering, I knew I'd found a gem. Foundre is the stuff that vintage stores are made of: a vintage cornicopial feast for the eyes. I didn't know what to look at first and I must admit, I was a bit overwhelmed - I didn't know such a small space could hold so much stuff!

I had only taken about three steps into the shop (which for reference, took me about halfway into the store) and I met Candace - the owner. She's a lovely, friendly woman with her ear to the pulse of the vintage scene in Winnipeg. I spent the majority of my first visit chatting with her about Winnipeg, other shops and owners in town and life. 

After our chat I finished my tour of the shop - eyeballing some lovely things I was wanting to take home, but decided (on the rare occasion) to restrain myself. I've been back several times since and purchased a few things - all of which I am thrilled with. They were clean, pressed and in excellent condition. 

One of the neatest items in the shop is the turn of the century Louis Vuitton suitcase  (see picture on the right above)! I've never seen one in person before! It is available for rent for photoshoots or could be yours for the mere price of $1000! Needless to say, I drooled a bit, took a picture and left it in the store...
The shop is well lit and clean. The prices are not rock bottom, nor are they so high one might never think of purchasing something there - items in the store are happily mid range. 

The only possible downside I could see to this shop is that with such a small space it is easy to walk away empty handed - due only to the fact that there can only be so much stock on the floor at one time. 
That being said, Candace is constantly taking in consignment and new product, so frequent visits are a must! And the word about this shop seems to be spreading! It seems to me that the good stuff goes quickly. 

Diminutive size aside, The Foundre is a good old fashioned vintage shop: no smoke and mirrors to distract from the amazing vintage product. Everything is carefully arranged to the ceiling and waiting to be discovered. This is the stuff vintage dreams (and good stories!) are made of. 

Check out all of my Winnipeg Vintage Reviews here!


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