Sunday, May 19, 2013

Nope, Not Dead...

Hey! Long time no talk!

I took an unexpected blog break due to work. I've been incredibly busy since I got home from The Munsch Tour.
For those of you who may remember, last year I worked on Angels in America: Millennium Approaches by Tony Kushner for Winnipeg Jewish Theatre. Well I just finished working on the second part of that show: Angels in America: Perestroika. 

The cast and crew all returned to turn out the second part of this incredible duo of plays. I was the head stage manager this time around and it was a HUGE show: 9 actors - over 20 characters, 40-50 scenes - ranging from a hospital to heaven and over 2000 technical cues - 400 of which I called during the show (for example: "Standby Lighting Cue 1, Sound Cue 2, Video Cue 3....Lighting Cue 1 Go, Sound Cue 2 Go, Video Cue 3 Go get the idea...).

My POV from the booth during 'Perestroika'. 

This show was so big I was working 10 hours a day during rehearsals and 12-14 hours a day during tech week. On top of that I started my next job for Shakespeare in the Ruins before the the performance run ended on Perestroika. During which I went to rehearsals from 10:00am to 5:00pm during the day, then headed to the theatre for performances at Winnipeg Jewish Theatre in the evening from 7:00pm to Midnight.

Perestroika closed last weekend and today is my first day off in a month.

Welcome to my job people...feast or famine! (the famine is approaching in July...I have no work booked in July and August)

Now that I've got that off my chest I'm hoping to get back to blogging. I missed this! I haven't even had time to read the blogs I love in my reader...

But I'm back! It's good to be back! How have you all been?!




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