Thursday, March 28, 2013

Well Overdue...

Remember this ancient post from two years ago where I proclaimed that I would be getting prescription lenses put into my Grandmother's old glasses? 

Well...almost two years later I finally did it. And I keep asking myself why I waited so long...

Ah well, better late than never I guess.

These cuties add instant vintage flair to any outfit in .25 seconds. Bam! Vintage. Just like that. 
I'm just grubbin' around the house today and look how cute these glasses make me look! Love 'em!

I think my poor eyeballs will be getting a much deserved break from my contacts now. 

For those of you who live in and around Winnipeg, I got them done at Osborne Spectacle Centre (204.477.1636)

It cost me $149 and it took less than two days for them to put my prescription in the lenses. A lovely gentleman with a serious passion for vintage specs named Ken helped me. 


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