Thursday, May 30, 2013

Outfits: Back to Normal...

Life seems to be returning back to normal...after months of working incredibly hard and sometimes around the clock.

The show I'm working in for Shakespeare in the Ruins started school matinees yesterday - which for me, means shorter working days...and evenings free!

Last night The Boy and I went out for dinner with friends of ours. It was so lovely! It felt so normal!! lol!

Dressing up was in order...of course. I put on my favourite dress. :)

You may also notice that I am suddenly sporting bangs...I cut my hair hours after taking the photos from my last outfit might have been a bit of an impulse I am not regretting...

Hair Flower: Claire's
Vintage Dress: Ragtime (in Ottawa)
Coral Bracelet: Forever 21
Patent Turquoise and Cork Peep Toe Wedges: Le Chateau
Bamboo Birdcage Purse: Thrifted, Value Village


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