Friday, May 31, 2013

Wishlist: Vintage Umbrella

It's raining cats and dogs in Winnipeg fact, it was yesterday too...and Tuesday for that matter...we're a little water-logged here.

I'm not one to be wandering around in the rain without an umbrella - gotta keep my hair dry or it gets out of control!! The umbrella I own is cute enough: modern, collapsable with a small black and white houndstooth print on it. Works just fine.

Since we've been struck with a deluge this week, however, I've turned my sights on prettier, vintage umbrellas on Etsy. Most of these parasols and umbrellas are probably better used to shade from the sun, but isn't it a romantic idea to use a vintage umbrella in the rain? I think so.

Buy it here!

Buy it here!

Buy it here!

Buy it here!




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