Sunday, May 26, 2013

Outfits: Start with the Purse

I have a serious crush on this purse. It was a gift from the costume designer on Angels in America: Perestroika and she could not have done any better. I squealed with glee when I opened it. 

This is how good she is; without knowing it she bought me a purse which combines two of my favourite sartorial fetishes: wicker summer purses and nautical. So today's outfit started with the purse. 

Working so much has got me rocking pants a lot these days. Spring in Winnipeg has come late and summer isn't quite here yet, so I haven't had a chance to wear any of my summer dresses yet. :(

You also might notice how straight my hair is compared to how I normally wear it. I finally got around to buying a Chi flat iron and have been enjoying this different look for the last week. Straightening my hair makes it look soooo long!! :) 

Vintage Wooden Parrot Necklace: Vintage Glory
Red and White Striped Tee: Gap, Thrifted
Braided White Leather Belt: Thrifted
Navy Trousers: Jacob
Red Espadrilles: George
Vintage Nautical Purse: Gift from Mo


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