Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Diamond in the Rough

...ok...well, I guess they're not diamonds...they're rhinestones...sounded good though didn't it? lol!

I wanted to show you my latest thrift find from the road. This flawless 60's rhinestone necklace!

I found it at the thrift store in Swan River. I had been Googling in search of the thrift store in town, but couldn't find the actual location until I was out shopping with my Grandmother last Saturday. We were walking down the street and a sandwich board with tiny writing on it said "Thrift and Consignment" with an arrow pointing into a building. I squealed with glee and ran in!

For $20 I walked out with this beauty, a cute (modern) denim summer dress and a vintage 60's dress. Not too shabby! :)


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