Saturday, February 9, 2013


Well, it's not even been a week since the cast and I journeyed out for our school tour with Prairie Theatre Exchange.

This is our cargo van which hold the set, costumes and props. We're en route to Norway House, MB here. 

It honestly feels like we've been gone for two weeks already. Our days are so jam packed with new people, new places and travelling that one day feels like three.

It's late right now, but I just wanted to stop in and say that I'm still around! Check out the link to our tour blog for all the details of our trip.

But before I go, I wanted to show you what I picked up today in Thompson at the Second Chance Thrift Store for $1!

We're on the road by 7:30am tomorrow from Thompson to Gillam, MB to perform in the afternoon! I hope the roads are good! Livin' the Dream! ;)


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