Monday, February 11, 2013

Hotel Time Machine

We (as in me and the cast) are currently sitting at the dining room table of the house we are renting in Gillam, Manitoba right now. We're all on our separate computers, doing our own thing and enjoying some fresh ground, french press coffee I made this morning.

Gillam is the blue dot - just to give you some perspective on where I am right now!! 

We stayed up late last night. Technically we should be on the road already, driving to Snow Lake (we have  a show there tomorrow morning). But we all slept in and are apparently quite unmotivated to get going at this point. Oh well! We'll get there eventually!

I just wanted to go back in time for a moment and show you the very 60's/70's retro hotel room we stayed in   in Lynn Lake, Manitoba (the furthest town North in the province on a regular road. There are towns and settlements you can reach by ice road - or "winter" road in this time of year). The room was a time machine, the furniture, the lamps, the bedding...nothing had been updated. And it was all in pretty good shape too!

I'm looking forward to Wednesday this week. We arrive in Swan River in the afternoon. Why am I looking forward to this you ask? This is the town of my birth and we spend about a week there. I am looking forward to seeing some of my family while we're there.

I'll stop by before then though. :)


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