Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thrifting Motherload!

We're in Brandon this weekend, staying with Heather's family in their lovely 1906 heritage home.

We have the weekend off (the first two full days off since the beginning of January!), so I took one of our vehicles and hit every thrift shop in town!

I hit the motherload! Not only was the vintage plentiful, it was inexpensive! I bought way more than I had planned.
Here's some of my loot:

This was a Value Village find. I couldn't resist the colour and the tiny coin purse attached with a chain!

This slip is the palest blue. The details on the bust and hem are so pretty! I can't wait to wear it!

This pretty brooch is so much lovelier in person. It's so sparkly, I wish I could have captured that on camera. 

I'm not sure the date of this blazer, but I have other ladies suits from this label and I loved the cranberry colour. I wonder if it came with a skirt or pants?

I could not for the life of me get a good picture of this faux fur coat. I had a serious debate with myself whether I was going to buy it or not, but it fit me so nicely I couldn't leave it in the store. 

 This set was $9. And the shoes fit me. Had to have 'em!

And I've saved the best for last. My heart started to race when I found this 50's prom dress on the rack at Value Village. It is in mint condition! Plus, it was (you'll never believe this) $10!! I think I might get into it with some shapewear, but maybe not...either way I had to have it. 

And this isn't even everything I bought and spent less than $100! I have some other goodies, but I'll show them to you tomorrow. 

Happy Sunday!


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