Saturday, February 23, 2013


Another post with goodies from the road! We hit up one of the thrift stores and an antique store in Dauphin last Wednesday.

Here's what I brought home with me:

These purses were 50 cents each. I love the straw one (I have a huge weakness for straw purses) and I couldn't resist the soft brown leather on the second one (although it looks black in the pic, it's actually dark brown).

I've always wanted one of these trumpet vases. I see them everywhere, but in strange colours that won't go with my house. I couldn't resist this white one for $1.

My collection of blue glass is growing. I can imagine this as a very cute bud vase.

I've saved the best for last. I bought her at the antique store. My very first vintage head vase! I've always wanted one and they're very pricey in Winnipeg. I scored this lovely lady for $32. I actually don't know much about head vases, but a quick search on eBay and Etsy tells me I did not too bad price wise. Either way I like her and am looking forward to bringing her home to my dressing room.

She's in great shape. She only seems to be missing the bottom, dangling part of her pearl earring. Everything else is there - even the original makers sticker on the bottom. She's made by Parma.

Have you scored at the thrift store lately? Do you have a collection of head vases? Do tell!


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