Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 A Year in Review

Last year's "Year in Review" post was such a big hit (especially with new readers! hello!) that I decided to slog through the posts from 2012 and make it an annual post.

January began at the lake. It was a busy month on the 'ole blog. Lots going on!

First there was the announcement that I would be travelling to Israel with Winnipeg Jewish Theatre in April coupled with a Wishlist post for some beautiful luggage.

I spent the first few days of the year painting our master bedroom a beautiful sky blue.

I'm a little sad to say that a year later we still haven't picked out new blinds or hung curtains...oops. Something to aspire to this month I guess, right?

As always, I did a little vintage shopping. Bought a dress (haven't worn it yet. lol!)

and some hats (worn all three!).

The rest of the month was consumed with work. I had finally secured a contract with Winnipeg's biggest theatre company the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre for their production of Fighting Days.

The beginning of February was also populated with posts about work. Inspired by the show I was working on, I gave you a little history lesson on my hometown of Winnipeg.

Main Street looking north from Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, 1912.
Source: Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg - Streets - Main c1912 6 (N17779)

I also got to show off my fancy opening night outfit with my friend and the assistant stage manager for the show, Candace.

February was the introduction to my new post series: Show and Tell. Which is a look at my vintage collection - primarily pieces which I do not wear. I started the series off with one of my favourite pieces: a late 40's plaid taffeta  suit. 

I was still busy with work in March, but managed to keep posting regularly. 

Despite work being so crazy, The Boy and I spent an afternoon away from it all.

I showed you some more of my collection with a few more Show and Tell posts.

And had my first blog giveaway!

April found me packing my bags and jet setting to Jerusalem, Israel with Winnipeg Jewish Theatre to present Talk.

It was an incredible trip! One I won't soon forget. 

On my return I got to rest for a few weeks and reconnected with The Boy with a  Date Night in.

And did some consigning and shopping at Ruby Slipper!

2012 seemed to be all about work and May was no exception. I started working for Shakespeare in the Ruins on their presentation of Henry V at the St. Norbert Ruins. 

I had a great time working for them and look forward to returning to work for them this spring!

And speaking of spring, all signs around our house were pointing to melting snow - pretty shoes lined up at the door,

and bouquets of tulips on our table!

June was another busy month! Not too busy though to keep me from going out to West Hawk to celebrate Kevin and Danielle's Wedding!


It was a wonderful day! And of course, a great excuse to get all dolled up in my vintage finest! :)

We also celebrated my Mom's birthday with a delicious lunch out to UnBurger.

I also had the pleasure of receiving a few blog awards and did some modeling for the Canadian Costume Museum.

July is my birth month and I turned 30 in 2012. I celebrated this milestone with a week of special birthday posts!

I also took a pair of scissors to my head and bravely cut myself some Bettie bangs. 

I did some shopping,

And reviewed one of the most exclusive vintage shops in Winnipeg.

Unfortunately, the end of the month found us trapped in some unbelievably bad weather out at Twin Lakes Beach. 

August was the month of rest. It was the first time all year I didn't work for weeks. And it was wonderful! The Boy, Dave and I spent nearly the entire four weeks at the lake relaxing. :)

I didn't forget about you though, I posted a tutorial on how to clean a ring with toothpaste (you know how thrifty I am!).

Started Butterflies and Daisys Vintage Closet and put some of my collection up for sale.

And celebrated my brother Matt's birthday.

September was another busy month on the 'ole blog. Lots going on!

I did some more painting in the house, just closet doors this time, but you know the devil's in the details people.

I showed off my new to me vintage Hoover Constellation vacuum.

Debated cutting off all my hair.

And did some more shopping!

October was a quiet month. I started a very stressful stage managing job which consumed all of my time and energy. I only posted 5 times in October, which is as you know, very unlike me. 

November wasn't much better. I was still working on the stressful show. It was a school tour and we spent a week travelling around rural Manitoba!

...but I did manage to show you my awesome Halloween costume! Say hello to Flo!

I also showed off the vintage goodies I bought while my show was on the road!

And finally, December found me working on another school tour (of which I am still working on). I had lost my blogging mojo (work and stress...ugh.) and only posted once!

Not exactly a strong end to the year, but that's life. And sometimes the blog takes a backseat when life gets hectic. 

Overall, I did manage to post fairly regularly in 2012 - more regularly than any other year I've been blogging - and I'd like to keep up that pace in 2013. My goal is to keep posting when things get busy, stressful and hectic. I'm working on a gameplan to make that happen! Wish me luck!

I'd also like to give you guys a shout out! Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the world and taking an interest in what I post here. It's you who keep me coming back (no matter how long the absence) and keep me motivated to keep taking pictures, writing and sharing! I love it when you leave me comments and let me know who you are, where you are from and what you do! It's really the community feeling that I love about blogging the most! 




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