Thursday, December 27, 2012

Yup, Still Here

Hello friends! Did you miss me? I didn't realize I'd been away for an entire month until my readers, family and friends started asking if I was:  a.deleting the blog,   b.if something happened to keep me away   or  c.lost my hands and can't type (no, i made that last one up..).

Well, actually, it's none of the above. I lost my blogging mojo on my last stressful Stage Managing job! I've been distracted by my new job and other things in life. But enough with the excuses, I was gone for a month from the blog and the world didn't end, so I'm now convinced life doesn't revolve around me (ok, mostly convinced. lol!).

Here's what you've missed in no particular order:

I'm Stage Managing for Prairie Theatre Exchange right now for their annual Christmas kids show based on the books of Canadian kids author Robert Munsch.

Tickets are still available on select shows here!

Things have been going well! I've been putting in 10-12 hour days for most of December, but the cast and crew have been just delightful to work for/with. That makes the long hours so much more bearable. We just had 3 days off for Christmas and we're back at it again today.
I't a great show for kids of all ages! I'm still laughing at it after having watched it at least 2-3 dozen times already.

Hasn't been much going on...mostly because all I do there right now is sleep...

Although I don't look this good when I'm sleeping at home. lol!

Again, it's been a little different than any other year due to my crazy work schedule. I didn't make Christmas cards or even put up the tree this year! I'd show you a picture to prove it, but it would just look like my house does the rest of the year. (If you're a new reader and you'd like to sneak a peek at our Christmas decorations you can check out these posts from the last few years.)

The Boy did get me the best present though! He surprised me with a brand new iPhone a week before Christmas! I've been wanting one for over a year now, but just couldn't afford the payment until now.

We had a really nice Christmas this year! Stay Tuned for my annual gift show and tell post soon!

Anything Else?
The Boy and I just finished babysitting K&D's dog Kona while they honemooned in Thailand.

We enjoyed having two dogs in the house so much we're seriously contemplating adding another furry member to the family in the new year!
Otherwise, things have been work, work, work...

I'll be working hard to post more regularly.. I missed you guys!

I'll be back sooner rather than later!

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