Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a lovely Christmas holiday.

We always spend Christmas Eve with The Boy's family. We usually eat ham for dinner along with meat balls in gravy, stuffing, potatoes, veg and German spaetzle. Then we head downstairs to sit by the fireplace and open presents.

For me, Christmas Day was the best! We started the day off with a late breakfast with The Boy's family, then headed to my Mom's for the rest of the day.

Aside from our usual gift exchange, it was not a typical Christmas at my Mom's a few reasons.

1. My sister Kim had a baby in October! I am now the proud Auntie of this little guy:

Meet Casey! Having a little one around has really brought our family together. We were all really excited for his first Christmas! Imagine how much fun it will be next year! And the year after!

2. We did not eat your typical turkey dinner this year. Mom went all out and make Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon. The famous stew was served with mashed potatoes and buttered peas. It was amazing!! (I am a bad blogger and did not take photos of said amazing Boeuf Bourguignon. I was too mesmerized and excited to eat it!)

I did however take a few photos of our cheese course! Which was also a new treat for us!

Mom also picked some high quality wines to go with each course at dinner. It was so good!

After we let the cheese course settle we had coffee and traditional English Christmas pudding with rum sauce and ice cream for desert. It's just not Christmas without Christmas pudding.

If that wasn't enough, on Boxing Day The Boy's brother and his fiancee were in from out of town and we had breakfast, opened more presents then went for a family walk with the dogs. Our weather was above zero!! Unheard of in Manitoba!! It did end up snowing and getting colder in the evening though.

Family photo on our walk. Dave isn't very good at staying still.

So that was our Christmas in a nutshell. I was beat on Monday night. That's a lot to do in 3 days! And a lot of food consumed!

Tomorrow I'll show you my Christmas loot. Stay Tuned!

How was your Christmas? Did you enjoy your usual family traditions? Or did you start a few new ones this year?


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