Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, Monday...

Here I am looking cheeky this morning for the first of this weeks series of outfits! lol! 

This is a typical work look: Modern shirt and pants with vintage touches. The necklace is a vintage 60's  rhinestone and beaded beauty I picked up at Value Village (I couldn't resist the sparkle!). I also love a little tough girl element to any outfit. This would be the studded belt here. And flats. Gotta wear flats to work (unfortunately), so I have a lot of them. I love the vintage feel these brogues give to this outfit (which are a bit hard to see on the bold carpet in my dressing room). Hair is up because I slept in (hello...monday.) and it needs to be washed! 

So there you have it folks! Day one! See you tomorrow!

60's Rhinestone and Bead Necklace: thrifted, Value Village
Black and White Striped Top: Joe Fresh
Studded Belt: Jacob
Green Skinny Trousers: Jacob
Brogues: Aldo


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