Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Outfits: Blue Streak

The weather in Winnipeg has cooled off early this year and so has my penchant for pink. Back to blues. After cleaning out my collection a bit (both in my hoard and personal wardrobe) I remembered that I have a few neglected dresses. This being one of them. 
It's a mid-century handmade housedress which still bears a few small stains from housecleaning tucked among the pattern. This doesn't bother me a bit - it tells the story of the dress. 

I'm sadly counting down the days until I'm back at work. Two weeks of holidays left. I'm trying to make the most of them and doing some planning for the blog so I don't abandon you all again when I start work (wish me luck!). 

To The Boy: "What do you think I'm doing?! I'm taking blog photos!" Yeesh...

The perfect photobomb. I had my "serious blogger" face on and everything....thanks Dave. lol

50's Cotton House Dress: Ragtime (in Ottawa)
Polka Dot Floral Brooch: Ardene
Vintage Navy Leather Belt: Thrifted
Vintage Tooled Leather Purse: Thrifted, Value Village
Striped Peep Toe Wedges: Forever 21


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