Sunday, September 8, 2013


Just popping in quick to say hi!  This was my first week back in rehearsal. Needless to say I'm pretty always takes some time to adjust to the long days and 6 day a week schedule.

I've been thinking about the blog all week - thinking about a game plan to keep blogging while working It's a balance I have yet to master.

Until then, to keep myself motivated, I'll be posting a daily outfit every day for the next week starting tomorrow! Kinda like my outfit a day challenge I did in June a few years ago.

I never post work outfits. I never feel they're worthy of the blog, but it could be fun to show you the casual side of my wardrobe. I'd love to know what you think!

Vintage Headscarf: thrifted
Blue and White Striped Tee: Joe Fresh
Necklace: Pickupsticks Jewelry
Jeans: Forever21

See you tomorrow!

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