Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Outfits: Ice Cream

The title of this post doesn't refer to my outfit so much as the occasion on which it was worn.

After slaving for 7 hours on my computer doing prep for my latest show today I made dinner for The Boy and I, then suddenly had an insatiable craving for ice cream.

It's been +40 Celsius with the humidex this week, so I suppose that craving is well warranted.

I changed out of my "work clothes" (jeans and a tee-shirt) into this. The weather won't be this hot for too much longer, so I might as well wear these lovely dresses now before it's time for tights and sweaters.

I love this dress, but am feeling that I need a black woven belt to wear with it instead of this white one -  which is looking very washed out in these photos...still getting the hang of setting my camera properly for the outdoors. Black would be so much better, but I make due with the polka dotted shoes to tie it in. You've gotta work with what you've got. I'm so hard done by, aren't I? lol!!

So, it's back to the grind this week. Emails, piles of paperwork and so much organizing and scheduling.  But it's good. :) It's like going back to school after summer holidays. I'm all jacked up to get prepped and ready for the first day of rehearsal next Monday.

50's Cotton Dress: Vintage Glory
Polka Dotted Bangle: Thrifted
White Woven Belt: Thrifted
Black and White Polka Dotted Shoes: Le Chateau
Trusty Vintage Bamboo Purse: Thrifted


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