Friday, August 23, 2013

Outfits: All My Summer Favourites

If you follow me on Insta you've already had a sneak peek at this outfit yesterday. I had jam packed day!

I met some girlfriends from work (who are both stage managers, like me) for lunch at Rudy's Eat & Drink downtown. When The Boy picked me up he said he was craving Rum Punch from Muddy Water's Riverside Patio, so we had to go! We ran into a friend and spent the rest of the afternoon on the patio taking in the scenery, the sun and sipping on delicious cocktails!

I wasn't into wearing a dress today. I've been really inspired by flowy skirts and crop tops on Pintrest as of late. This is my interpretation. I also left the heels at home because I wanted to keep the look more causal. I'm stoked about this outfit! I want to wear it again before it cools off! It contains all of my new favourite summer pieces: new sandals, new skirt, new purse and new scatter pins!! The top is an oldie, but a goodie from Joe Fresh that I picked up at a thrift store.

After dinner yesterday evening The Boy and I went on a bike ride for an hour. I didn't wear this outfit for the bike ride! We have a great bike and walking path in our end of the city and we've been trying to get some more exercise into our schedules.

All in all, a summer day well spent!

Vintage Sea Turtle Scatter Pins: Ruby Slipper
Polka Dot Tee: Joe Fresh
Black Silk Skirt: Debbie's Vintage
Sandals: ZigiSoho
Green Leather Purse: Claudia Firenze


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