Monday, April 2, 2012

Travelling Wardrobe. Part Two

If you stalk my blog closely and mark your calendar with important dates in my life you will remember that I am going to Jerusalem, Israel with Winnipeg Jewish Theatre.

Well, I leave tomorrow at 7:00am.

I have been so busy working on Angels (which closed yesterday, no rest for the wicked...) and rehearsing for Talk (the show going to Israel. If you remember we also took this show to Ottawa last year.) that I have not had a chance to fill you all in.

I've known, more or less, what I will be taking with me for a while now and last night I finally laid it all out, made some last minute wardrobe decisions and started to pack.

Please note, that I did not intentionally pack so much blue and white to head to the holiest of cities. I assure you it was purely a coincidence. It all started with that lovely dress I bought on Etsy from VintageFrocksofFancy.

The picture I took of my shoes turned out WAY too dark, here's the photo I took a few weeks ago while I was doing the initial planning. I've added a few pairs of course (a girl can never bring too many shoes with her on a trip you know!)

So, by tomorrow evening I will be on a plane over the Atlantic Ocean trying to get some sleep.
I will do my best to post a few times while there...maybe a photo a day, no words might be fun and easy. We'll see how hectic work turns out to be.

I will of course regal you with all the details on my arrival home.


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