Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jerusalem Killed My Flats (and other tales from the airport...)

Hi! Have you been enjoying my photo posts from Israel? They were all I could manage between mad sight-seeing, rehearsals, shows and eating awesome food (I slept somewhere in there too, I think).

And I'm finally nearing the end of my trip. The last leg to be exact. I'm waiting in the Montreal airport for my last flight home to Winnipeg. The flight doesn't leave for another hour and a half...I've been here since 3:00 this afternoon...and I've been travelling since 5:00am Israeli time. This is the day that will never end...

Let's just say I'm a little tired of sitting, being in public and watching strangers rummage through my belongings.

Oh...and Jerusalem killed my flats. Here's the photographic evidence:

They did not look this beat up when I left home last week. Small price to pay for an amazing week though. Now I get to go buy new shoes!

I also have a few thoughts about travelling while I sit here. None of which are very original, but more reason for people to do something about these things.

One: Why do so many people travel with screaming children? I don't care if you pump them full of sugar and buy them toys or drug them up, just please shut them up. We're all tired and jet-lagged. Your screaming toddler is not adding to the ambiance.
No, this may not be very sensitive, but it's my blog and this is the third airport I've been in today, sixth in the last 7 days...I get to bitch...

Two: Yes, I understand you're travelling internationally, but why are you wearing those ugly sweatpants? You don't need to wear a suit to travel, or even heels, but try to put in a little effort. You're in public...and I have to look at you. So does everyone else. It's amazing what a nice pair of jeans, a great tee, a trench, some flats and a scarf will do for your travelling attire. And it can also be comfortable! (this is in fact pretty much what I'm wearing now) Give it a try. Please.

Not too bad for a girl who's been travelling all day right? 

Most other airport indiscretions I can tolerate (except of course rudeness...there's never any reason for that...).Basically I just don't want my sight or my hearing to be assaulted while I'm forced to sit here. Thanks.

Thoughts? Am I being to harsh? Or do you agree? Any reccomendations for a new pair of flats?


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