Monday, August 12, 2013

Winnipeg Vintage Reviewed: Debbie's Vintage (at the Johnston Terminal Antique Mall in The Forks)

Debbie's Vintage (in the Johnston Terminal Antique Mall) 25 Forks Market Rd

*** out of 5

Debbie's Vintage does not have a physical storefront, it is a "booth" within the maze that is the Johnston Terminal Antique Mall at the Forks Market in downtown Winnipeg. Debbie emailed me a number of months ago and asked if I could stop by her booth and review her shop. Little did she know I'd already been shopping at her secret spot for a few years now.

Without any knowledge of this shop from an outside source, one may never know of its existence. And this, my dear readers is why I love reviewing local vintage shops. Some are well known, but I am thrilled to be able to share this secret little treasure trove with you all.

Debbie's section of the antique mall is tidy, organized and well kept. It's very easy to shop. Her stock is comprised entirely of women's wear (if there was men's where there, I missed it) from the 40's to modern clothing with a retro flair.

Novice vintage shoppers beware though: there are no sales staff helping with your purchase (the antique mall has staff at the front counter to ring in sales, but they are not familiar with specific dealer stock, unfortunately) and no dressing rooms to try on clothes. So if you are not familiar with labels, construction, sizing and fit you may end up with an 80's dress that looks 50's and not the real deal since Debbie's Vintage carries a very wide range of eras. If this is not a concern for you, then shop with wild abandon!

This being said, Debbie's section of the mall is clearly well curated. Every piece is clean, well kept and in excellent condition. So even if you buy a modern piece, I assure you that it will be in great, wearable, like-new condition (I bought a modern black silk skirt on my last visit and it has been one of the best purchases I've made in ages! I love it!).

Prices in Debbie's shop are reasonable and well within what is expected in the Winnipeg vintage market.

And let me not forget the accessories! Debbie's Vintage has a plethora of beautiful accessories ranging from shoes, hats, purses, costume jewelry and even vintage glasses - most of which are behind glass. Be sure to ask staff at the front desk if you are interested in a closer look. They will be happy to help you.

On this note, if you have a burning question about one of the pieces in the "shop" the staff will typically try and call the seller to see if they are available to chat and answer your question. Debbie also has a Facebook page where I'm sure you could message her if need be.

I would recommend this little "shop" to vintage shoppers with a little more experience under their belts as you are shopping without a safety net. Otherwise, this is a fun, relatively unknown spot tucked in amongst some other beautiful vintage treasures in the heart of one of Winnipeg's best antique malls.


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