Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Around Here...

I just thought I would post quick and give you fine folks a little update on what's been going on around here...
(if you stalk follow me on Instagram you're in the loop)

The Boy and I drove out to a wedding on the weekend in Lac du Bonnet. No pictures of the two of us (as usual), but I did manage this selfie in the truck from the ceremony to the reception.

The groom and groomsmen made a splashy entrance (no pun intended) by 9 seater plane. They flew over the guests 3 times and then flew low over us and the trees, landed on the lake and taxied in to the dock. Best wedding entrance in history! They almost upstaged the bride it was so good!

We camped on a neighbouring yard (the reception was on her parent's property on the lake - so lovely. Perfect weather on Saturday. They were very lucky!) in a rented vintage Boler. We enjoyed it, but decided that we wouldn't buy one. The Boy is too tall to stand up in it and it felt a little squishy with us and the dog.

We've also been reno-ing and decorating my dressing room. New wall paint (fresh, crisp white), new carpet and today we hung drapes! It's coming along nicely!

We've also been doing some MAJOR purging in the house (our basement looked like an episode from Hoarders!). A truckload of stuff went to Goodwill and I've got some furniture listed on Kijiji. Still working through the house and getting rid of things we no longer need or use. Feels so good!

Plus, I took the plunge and went through my vintage clothing and made a massive pile of things I A) am ready to let go of B) don't fit me and C) were given to me and aren't my style. I have an appointment with a local vintage seller to sell everything next week.

So other than that, things have been pretty low key around these parts. I've been spending most days at home, surfing Pintrest and my favourite blogs, puttering around the house and hanging out with The Boy and Dave. Plus, I've been enjoying the occasional afternoon nap. :)

How have you been enjoying your summer?


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